Josh Brolin Recalls Tense Moment with Denzel Washington on American Gangster Set

Josh Brolin Recalls Tense Moment with Denzel Washington on American Gangster Set

Josh Brolin recently opened up about a tense moment he had with Denzel Washington while filming American Gangster in 2007. In an interview on In Depth with Graham Bensinger, Brolin shared that the two nearly got into a physical altercation on set.

Brolin played Detective Trupo, who investigates Washington’s character, Frank Lucas, a notorious drug dealer. The incident occurred when Washington arrived late to set and made last-minute changes to a scene. According to Brolin, Washington altered the structure of his lines without informing him fully, which left Brolin trying to adapt on the fly.

When it was time to rehearse, Brolin forgot a line and, in an attempt to clarify, placed his hand on Washington’s shoulder. In response, Washington allegedly brushed his hand away and sharply told him, “Don’t ever f***ing put your hand on me.” Brolin recalled feeling shocked, thinking, "I’m going to scrap with Denzel Washington."

Despite the heated moment, Brolin later realized Washington was fully in character, embodying his role as Frank Lucas. Afterward, they briefly checked in with each other, and Brolin was able to get his line, smoothing things over. The two went on to have a positive encounter at a later event, with Washington greeting him warmly.

Brolin, who also starred alongside Russell Crowe and Chiwetel Ejiofor in the film, is currently promoting his new memoir, From Under the Truck. The book offers a glimpse into his unconventional childhood and his career journey, covering everything from his breakout role in The Goonies to his experiences on the set of No Country for Old Men. It also delves into his personal life, touching on themes like addiction, love, and fatherhood.

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